À la carte Seasonal Passes

Each resource in The Woods Within offers its own unique experience carefully crafted to take you a layer deeper into yourSelf and into this world. Therefore, if you would rather sample a product individually - you can. 

Individual resources, as shown below, can be experienced via a Seasonal Pass - giving you 3 months access to one product for just $99.  

Map of You

The Map of You is an exact guide here to help you understand and navigate as your whole-Self. 

Seasonal Pass
Energy Compass

The Energy Compass is an interactive introduction into your unique Human Design.

Seasonal Pass
Spirit Campsite

The Spirit Campsite is an interactive space designed to help you cultivate a loving relationship with your Spirit.

Seasonal Pass
Body Campsite

The Body Campsite is an interactive space designed to help you cultivate a loving relationship with your body.

Seasonal Pass
Inner Child Campsite

The Inner Child Campsite is an interactive space designed to help you cultivate a loving relationship with your Inner Child.

Seasonal Pass
Shadow Campsite

The Shadow Campsite is an interactive space designed to help you cultivate a loving relationship with your Shadow.

Seasonal Pass
The Collective

The Collective is where you'll find and connect with other humans walking The Woods Within. A safe, chill space to explore and share your whole-Self.

Only available with the Annual Pass.

If you're ready to recieve everything here and begin your adventure through The Woods Within - we invite you in!

Take me to The Woods

Still not ready to enter the world of you? 

That's okay. Share your email so you can stay connected to the magic happening in this space: