Gift The Woods Within

Gift The Woods Within to someone you love as a reminder of their MAGIC.

As a guided self-study experience for the energy newbies + junkies, The Woods Within provides a simplified, yet inspiring approach to identity, Human Design, and manifestation. 

Inside The Woods within your gift recipient will discover:

  • Map of You: An exact outline of your quantum-being - designed to guide you back to your wholeness and aid you in living a whole life.
  • Energy Compass: A foundational look at your unique energy via Human Design (Type, Strategy, Authority, Profile, & Centers)
  • 4 Identity Campsites: to help you cultivate a loving relationship with your Spirit, Body, Inner Child, and Shadow through deep study, meditation, and everyday experiments. 

Logistically, your gift recipient will receive:

  • 6 simplified, yet expansive educational modules
  • 1 Map of You workbook
  • 4 identity meditations 
  • 36 experiments to integrate your findings
  • 37 downloadable resources to build your own Human Design brochure

Note: This purchase and all the contents of this product are applicable to 1 person. You are not permitted to share the content with others - but you can invite them to purchase and take the adventure alongside you!

After your purchase, you will receive a single-use coupon code via email that can be shared with your gift recipient. This will allow them to go to and receive 100% off. Fun!

Happy exploring to your loved one! 

$49.00 USD

Payment Terms and Conditions:

By initiating your first payment, you agree to honor the full cost commitment to Jenna Energy as stated on this page. 

Coaching and Consulting Agreement

You, the client or customer, is aware that the resources provided in this product or experience are in no way to be construed as medical, psychological counseling, or any type of therapy. Diagnosing psychological or medical conditions is for trained medical professionals (Physicians and Therapists), not a coach or digital product. Any information or guidance provided through Jenna Energy is not claimed or recognized as Medical/Health advice. Results are not guaranteed. You, the client or customer, enters into the product or experience with the full understanding that you are responsible for creating your own results. 

Trademark and Copyright:

This purchase and all the contents of this product are applicable to 1 person. You are not permitted to share the content with others. All content received within this purchase is copyrighted and trademarked under Jenna Energy LLC.